Taps On The Shoulder
My Story:
The best way to learn my story is to just jump in. Click the button below to jump to a page where you can find downloadable versions of my story in both text and audio files.
What is a "Tap on The Shoulder"?
What do I believe? I believe A Tap on the Shoulder is a moment when the “universe* reaches out to us and we are left with a choice of either ignoring it, or reaching back in whatever way works for us individually. Reaching back may be as simple as recognizing that whatever it was that got our attention might be a communication and then paying attention to what is happening around us with that possible communication in mind (a “raising of our antenna” if you will). I have found that, often, these communications come in 3s. If I have my antenna up, I may be able to see the repetition of the communication (maybe several times). If I let the business and clutter of the day get in the way, these affirmations may be lost forever. Would such a loss be the end of the world? Certainly not. Would it be sad? I think so.
* I use the term “universe” as kind of a default to define the force that can connect our physical world with the non-physical world, the one that we can not see nor touch. If this term fits into your personal belief system…GREAT! Some might prefer to call that force GOD or karma or any one of many personal definitions. Call it whatever term speaks to YOU. I don’t push my definition of “universe” on anyone in a conscious effort not to judge (a strong conviction of mine). However, another strong conviction of mine is to share what I see as my truth with anyone who will hear it. MY TRUTH is this, my definition of this otherworldy force…this “universe” is the Trinity…the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
A Collection of Taps
Follow along to a collection of Taps from me and from others. Have fun wandering around audio files, text files, even some short videos. All designed to reflect those times when it just seems that there is something more to this world…a place to tell stories of those times that it just seems like someone out there is trying to tell us something.